You are studying, training or working in a new country? Fantastic! Do you want to immerse with the new languages? It can be scary to start a talk with someone. But don’t worry, here are our tips to start conversations with native speakers.
Before starting any conversation, you need to relax and be friendly. Thus, smile and enjoy the experience of meeting someone new. If you get relaxed and enjoy getting to know someone, others will feel the same and it will put them at ease. Talking to someone super serious and nervous is rarely enjoyable. So why do you put yourself in that situation? Relax and turn that frown upside down! Talk to people as you would talk to a friend, and they may just become one.
A lot of anxiety comes from putting pressure on yourself to have a certain result from the conversation. Therefore, one of the tips to start conversations with native speakers is to stop having specific expectations about what will happen! Don’t expect anything from yourself or the others, just go with the flow.
Don’t only talk about yourself but ask questions about other people’s life. Only interject things about yourself when they are relevant to the topic. One of the top tips to start conversations with native speakers is to not be forceful or seem desperate. Bring things up naturally and casually so people will never feel stressed out when talking you.
When asking questions or talking about something, don’t make something up just because you memorize certain phrases. For example, don’t say “I love cats too!” if you hate cats. Or avoid saying “My uncle works in a factory” when you don’t even have an uncle. Make sure you say things that are true, even if it means searching for the words you need. Otherwise, you could end up in an awkward situation.
Closed questions can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. Open questions work much better when your aim is to keep a conversation going. Let’s look at the difference between these through a couple of examples. Instead of asking the closed question “Do you like apple juice?”, ask the open question “What is your favourite type of juice?” Or, instead of asking “Do you like spaghetti?” you can ask “How often do you eat Italian food?” Open questions lead to further discussion.
No matter what language you want to learn, you must be always confident. As you’re learning, don’t be afraid of making any mistakes. Hope you enjoy the tips to start conversations with native speakers.
Name: Siti Aisyah Sanggo
Class: EFBE A
After following the socialization from mr wap this morning, he made me interested in learning english. With delivery that is relaxed, realistic, and plus tricks on how to speak fluent English, it makes me more enthusiastic and want to try learning English using the tips given by mr wap
Mr wap has a unique word for each of his presentations, he always mentions “EASY MAN”. He also has a very loud whistling skill ckckk
NIM : 1226601520
don’t be afraid to talk to people.
tips to start conversations with native speakers.
Name : Sidratul Muntaha
NIM : 226601081
Hi, I’m Sidra from EFBE A class, here i will share my experience with Mr. Wab. Actualy this is not the first time i met Mr. Wab i’ve met Mr.Wab when i was in high school. When he come to my school he motivated us to learn english and he aslo shared his experiences while in kendari as well as when i met him on campus he always motivated us to learn english because if we can speak english we will easly get a job at future.
Hi, my name is Natasya Tesalonika you can call me natasya i’m from EFBE A class, here i will share my experience with Mr. Wab. I am very happy and very impressed with him, because we can understand easily how to learn English. Example, (crawling on the floor like a baby )
Nama:muhamad iksan
According to me, Mr Wab, good people like to motivate people to want to be able to learn English, have good character to follow, have a strong passion in the learning process and are easy to explain so it’s easy to understand
Nama: Kadek Dwi Cahyani
Nim: 226601332
I will share my experience when I met Mr. Wap for the first time, he had a very extraordinary desire for his future investment, namely to build an English village to learn English with Mr. Wap and he really motivated us to learn English from now on to make it easier to find high-paying jobs, such as working abroad.
Nama : Ni Wayan Mira
Nim : 226601464
Hi, I’m Mira from EFBE A class, here I will share my experience when I met Mr. Wap for the first time, he had a very extraordinary desire for his future investment, namely to build an English village to learn English with Mr. Wap and he really motivated us to learn English from now on to make it easier to find high-paying jobs, such as working abroad.
Name: Kadek Dwi Cahyani
Nim: 226601332
Hi, introduce my name is Kadek Dwi Cahyani, I’m from class EFBE A. I will share my experience when I first met Mr. Wap, he has a very extraordinary desire for his future investment, namely building an English village to learn English with Mr. Wap and he really motivated us to learn English from now on to make it easier to find high-paying jobs, such as working abroad
Name: Kadek Dwi Cahyani
Nim: 226601332
hi, I’am Kadek Dwi Cahyani from EFBE A class. I will share my experience when I first met Mr. Wap, he has a very extraordinary desire for his future investment, namely building an English village to learn English with Mr. Wap and he is very motivating us to learn English from now on to make it easier to find high-paying jobs, such as working abroad.
Name : Natasya Tesalonika
Nim : 226601146
Hallo, my name is Natasya Tesalonika you can call me natasya from EFBE A. Here i will share my experience with Mr. Wab. I was very happy and amazed after meeting him, how did he teach us how to easily learn English, such as vocabulary or sentences that we have to do over and over again every day so that we can understand quickly.
Example :
Crawling on the floor like a baby, so easy,learning english,everday, from zero to hero.
Nama : Siti Hadiah
NIM : 226601513
assalamu’alaikum, my name is Siti Hadijah from class EFBE A 2023. My experience was when I met Mr. Wab in class where he was a friend of my lecturer who at that time asked for our time to explain his vision and mission. when listening to what he said I was very impressed by his good intentions in wanting to share knowledge with the community, especially in the city of Kendari, by teaching people to use English properly and correctly. His dream to build an English village at the age of 59 is one thing that is very beneficial for many people, where according to him English is one of the provisions for a person to get a good job and maybe just as expected. he also had many interesting experiences while chatting with us and forbidding us to eat chicken pieces because it is not good for health. he also has a unique attitude or behavior that I rarely see around me. there are several motivational sentences that he always says in English, but I forgot the sentences. well, the point is I took a lot of lessons from Mr. Wab’s experience. Thank you to Mr. Wab because in a short time last week he gave us many lessons and motivation.
Name : Natasya Tesalonika
Nim : 226601146
Hallo, my name is Natasya Tesalonika you can call me natasya from EFBE A. Here i will share my experience with Mr. Wab. I was very happy and amazed after meeting him, how did he teach us how to easily learn English, such as vocabulary or sentences that we have to do over and over again every day so that we can understand quickly.
Example :
Crawling on the floor like a baby, so easy,learning english,everday, from zero to hero.
Nama: muhamad iksan
Nim: 226601465
According to me
Mr wab good people like to motivase people to want to be able to learn english ,have good character to follow,have a strong passiaon in the leaning process and are easy to explain so it’s easy to understand
Nama :muhamad iksan
According to me, Mr Wab, good people like to motivate people to want to be able to learn English, have good character to follow, have a strong passion in the learning process and are easy to explain so it’s easy to understand
Nama:muhamad iksan
According to me, Mr Wab, good people like to motivate people to want to be able to learn English, have good character to follow, have a strong passion in the learning process and are easy to explain so it’s easy to understand
Hi, introduce my name is M Syahrir Ramadhan Nim 226601147 class EFBE A , here I want to share my first impression of meeting mr.wab. What else are we still lazy to learn about? The next important thing to learn English is career advancement. By being fluent in English, your career will certainly be able to increase more than those who don’t. The reason is, you have more ability to communicate using English so that your career can become more brilliant
NAME : Zhevanya Heryzael Yehuda.S
NIM : 226601166
hello ,this is my experience meeting mr.wab, the person is very cool and I got a lot of motivation from him like he said “we have to crawl like babies every day every time” those words were very touching and motivating maybe that’s all from my experience meeting mr.wab,,thanks for reading, its easy like mr.wab said haha!!!!enjoy
NIM : 226601513
assalamu’alaikum, my name is Siti Hadijah from class EFBE A 2023. My experience was when I met Mr. Wab in class where he was a friend of my lecturer who at that time asked for our time to explain his vision and mission. when listening to what he said I was very impressed by his good intentions in wanting to share knowledge with the community, especially in the city of Kendari, by teaching people to use English properly and correctly. His dream to build an English village at the age of 59 is one thing that is very beneficial for many people, where according to him English is one of the provisions for a person to get a good job and maybe just as expected. he also had many interesting experiences while chatting with us and forbidding us to eat chicken pieces because it is not good for health. he also has a unique attitude or behavior that I rarely see around me. there are several motivational sentences that he always says in English, but I forgot the sentences. well, the point is I took a lot of lessons from Mr. Wab’s experience. Thank you to Mr. Wab because in a short time last week he gave us many lessons and motivation.
In my opinion, Mr. WAP’s program is very good and noble, and can change the minds of young Indonesians to become a more advanced generation
Nama: Warda Lestari
Nim: 226601093
after following additional material from Mr. Wap, he taught about tricks so that someone can understand English starting from conversations, learning English is not just studying at school or on campus but learning English can be obtained through small things like listening to music . In this case the additional material taught by Mr Wap can make someone want to learn English.
Mr wap also has a reliable word carrier in delivering a presentation, namely “EASY MAN”, can whistle loudly and “Selesai Bola²”.
Name : mhelsy iscavalera
Nim : 226601536
i am very happy to meet mr. wap he gives a lot of interesting stories in learning English. he always invites other people to always try to learn and study in order to increase their potential to learn English and he is also a very friendly person. He always said “crawl on the floor everyday like a baby”, “change ur life change ur mind” , “easy man”
Nama : Renggi
Nim : 226601292
He’s been teaching us improved pronunciation and how to change our accents in class, and he’s always told us that having strong English will make it easier for you to get a job abroad and to change your thinking in order to have a happier, more fulfilling life.
Name: Valencia Cassandra Widjaja
Nim: 226601352
Hello, this is my experience meet Mr. Wap. I’m very happy to meet Mr. Wap because he always teach us to start learn english and he always say if you good english you will good future and he always teach us how to good pronouns and I got a lot of motivation from him like he said “from zero to hero” maybe that’s all from my experience meet Mr. Wap.
hi,my name is Niluh putri semita idayanti, you can call me puput. i’m from EFBE A a class ,i am very happy to meet mr. wap he gives a lot of interesting stories in learning English. he always invites other people to always try to learn and study in order to increase their potential to learn English and he is also a very friendly person.
Nama: Warda Lestari
Nim: 226601093
after following additional material from Mr. Wap, he taught about tricks so that someone can understand English starting from conversations, learning English is not just studying at school or on campus but learning English can be obtained through small things like listening to music . In this case the additional material taught by Mr Wap can make someone want to learn English.
Mr wap also has a reliable word carrier in delivering a presentation, namely “EASY MAN”, can whistle loudly and “Selesai Bola²”.
Nama: Citra Dewi Saputri
Nim: 226601250
Mr. wab, taught about tricks so that someone can understand English starting from conversations, learning English is not just studying at school or on campus but learning English can be obtained through small things like listening to music .
Nama:muh.girindra swrna dwipa
Kelas:EFBE B
I am very happy to meet Mr. Wap, he taught us to be able to speak English a little bit and gave motivation so that students could emulate it.
Nama : Yogi Sarasa
Kelas : EFBE B
i am very happy to meet mr. wap he gives a lot of interesting stories in learning English. he always invites other people to always try to learn and study in order to increase their potential to learn English and he is also a very friendly person. He always said “crawl on the floor everyday like a baby”, “change ur life change ur mind” , “easy man”
i am very happy to meet mr. wap
Nim : 226601001
Kelas : EFBE B
mister cool person. he taught that learning English is not only through teachers or lecturers because learning English can also be through speaking and it can also be through music that we often hear, of course, in English. mR wap invites you to be more active in learning English. MR wap’s flagship word is “Easy Man”
Name :Zulkifli
Nim :226601517
Class :EFBE B
I m very happy to meet mr. Wap he gives a lot of interesting stories in learning English. He always invites other people to always try to learn and study in order to Increase their potential to learn English and he is also a very friendly person. He always said “crawl on the floor everyday like a baby”. “Change ur life change ur mind”. ” easy man”.
Nama: Aisyah Dewi Ramadhani
Nim: 226601020
When I first met mr wap I felt very much like him, because he was funny and of course he also gave us useful knowledge, don’t forget his characteristics that always say “selesai bola-bola”
Nama: Arian Ferdiyansyah
NIM: 226601045
i am happy to meet mr. wap he gives a lot of interesting stories in learning English. he always invites other people to always try to learn and study in order to increase their potential to learn English and he is also a very friendly and passionate person.
Nama: Echa agustian sari syukur T
Nim : 226601424
Class : EFBE B
I will share my experience when I met Mr. Wap for the first time, he had a very extraordinary desire for his future investment, namely to build an English village to learn English with Mr. Wap and he really motivated us to learn English from now on to make it easier to find high-paying jobs, such as working abroad.
Nama:Alif putranto
nim :226601206
After following the socialization from mr wap this morning, he made me interested in learning english. With delivery that is relaxed, realistic, and plus tricks on how to speak fluent English, it makes me more enthusiastic and want to try learning English using the tips given by mr wap
Mr wap has a unique word for each of his presentations, he always mentions “EASY MAN”. He also has a very loud whistling skill
Name: Vical Vestiara Kasih
Nim: 226601164
Class: EFBE B
Hi, I’m Vical Vestiara kasih, you can call me Vical, here I will share my experience meeting Mr Wap, actually this is not the first time I have met Mr Wap, he also entered room l103 during the entrepreneurship class, he is a Dutch but very fluent in Indonesian, he is very tall and white, yes, his name is also a westerner. Mr Wap motivates us to learn English from simple things like singing or saying word by word or sentence. Mr. Wap said that if we are good at English we can study/work abroad and of course we can also get a foreigner’s girlfriend, that’s amazing right? hahaha that’s my first impression/experience of meeting mr wap.
Hi, introduce my name is Salwa Tyas Shafirah NIM 226601022 in class EFBE B. First of all, I thank Mr. Wap because he always invites other people to always try to learn and study in order to increase their potential to learn English. He is also a very friendly, cheerful person and also I am very happy to meet mr. wap especially with its flagship word, namely “Change ur life change ur mind”, ” easy man”, and “crawl on the floor everyday like a baby”.
Nama: Siska januartin
Nim: 226601027
Kelas: EFBE B
after meeting with mrs.wab several times I was very happy she forbade us how to spell sentences properly and correctly and she always told us that learning English to start small first should be good for those who learn to walk and she also told us the importance of learning English because with proficient English it is very easy to get a job what else for those of you who have dreams of working abroad.
Nim: 226601027
Kelas: EFBE B
after meeting with mrs.wab several times I was very happy she forbade us how to spell sentences properly and correctly and she always told us that learning English to start small first should be good for those who learn to walk and she also told us the importance of learning English because with proficient English it is very easy to get a job what else for those of you who have dreams of working abroad.