Economics Vocabularies: Do you know what these words mean?
• Economics –making, buying and selling goods or services
• Barter –trade
• Goods –things people buy or sell
• Services –work for other people. Workers earn money for their services.
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Opportunity Cost –something you give up so you can choose another thing
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
• Loss –money you lose from selling goods or services
• Specialization –when a person or a business has special skills to do part of a task and needs other people to complete the work
• Interdependence –when people and businesses depend on each another
• Taxes –People pay taxes for public goods and services.
• Entrepreneur –a person who invents and sells a new product or service, or invents a
better way to produce an old one
• Free Enterprise –Business owners make their own decisions.
- Go Dutch/split bill = bayar masing-masing.
- When dining out with friends, it’s often polite to suggest going Dutch/splitting the bill, ensuring everyone
pays their fair share. - Money to burn = uang yang cukup banyak bahkan bisa membeli hal yang tidak penting
- After receiving a hefty bonus, he seemed to have money to burn, indulging in lavish purchases without
much consideration - Let’s get down to business = mulai melakukan pekerjaan yang harus segera dikerjakan
- Enough small talk, let’s get down to business and discuss the details of the project.
- Tighten your belt: berhemat
- With expenses rising, it’s time to tighten your belt and start budgeting more carefully to make ends meet.
- Money doesn’t grow on tree
- Children need to understand that money doesn’t grow on trees; they should appreciate the value of hard work
and prudent spending. - To live from hand to mouth
- Despite working full-time, she still struggles to make ends meet and lives from hand to mouth, barely
managing to cover her basic expenses. - Rags to riches
- His inspiring journey from rags to riches is a testament to his determination and hard work, overcoming
adversity to achieve success. - Bring something to the table
- In a team meeting, everyone is expected to bring something to the table, whether it’s new ideas, expertise, or
resources, to contribute to the project’s success.
class EFBE A
Name : Ayu Fitra Konggoasa
Class : EFBE F
1. Demand = permintaan
2. Producers = produsen(orang yang membuat barang atau menawarkan jasa)
3. Consumers = konsumen (orang yang membayar barang atau layanan)
4.Profit = Keuntungan(uang tambahan yang Anda peroleh dari penjualan barang atau layanan)
5. Loss = Kerugian(uang yang hilang dari penjualan barang atau layanan)
NIM : 1226601520
Economic Vocabulary :
1. Profit – a profit derived from a business and at that time will also be channeled or reinvested to encourage business growth.
2. Taxes – mandatory contributions from people or bodies to the state, which are coercive in accordance with the law without any direct imbalance.
3. Entrepreneur – a person who invents and sells a new product or service, or invents a
better way to produce an old one.
4. Loss – money you lose from selling goods or services
5. Economics –making, buying and selling goods or services
Elvianto Leonardo Masara
Nama : Siti Hadijah
NIM : 226601513
1. Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
2. Loss –money you lose from selling goods or services
3. Specialization –when a person or a business has special skills to do part of a task and needs other people to complete the work
4. Interdependence –when people and businesses depend on each another
5. Taxes –People pay taxes for public goods and services.
– Supply : How many goods there are for people to
– Demand : How many people want to buy something.
– Producers : People who make goods or offer
– Consumers : People who pay for goods or services.
– Profit : Extra money earn from selling goods or
Class EFBE A
Name : Gede suwardiana
Class.: EFBE A
Name: Siti Aisyah Sanggo
Class: EFBE A
Deflasi: price reduction
Asset: valuable assets owned by individuals or business entities
Budget: amount of money spent in a certain period
Discount: discounts or price reductions given by the seller to the buyer
Invest: investing money or capital in a company
Class EFBE A
Andi Nur Madany
Class EFBE A
Class EFBE A
Name: Bambang Alam
Class: EFBE A
Nama: Kadek Dwi Cahyani
Kelas: EFBE A
Demand curve
Financial statement
MP marginal product
Purchasing price
Perfect competition
Nama: Kadek Dwi Cahyani
Kelas: EFBE A
Demand curve
Financial statement
MP marginal product
Purchasing price
Perfect competition
Class: EFBE A
Name:Sakti Maha Putra
Name : Dionisius franklin maryanto
Class : EFBE E
Ni Komang Fitri Diantari
Class EFBE B
Name:Niluh putri semita idayanti
Class:EFBE A
1.Debt capital
2.Rent expense
3.Price war
4.Return to Capital
5.National Income
* supply- hom many goods there are for people to buy
*Scarcity- a limited number,not enough
*Consumers- people who pay foor gods or cerfice
*Demand – how many people want to buy something
*Producers – people who make goods or offer serfices
* supply- hom many goods there are for people to buy
*Scarcity- a limited number,not enough
*Consumers- people who pay foor gods or cerfice
*Demand – how many people want to buy something
*Producers – people who make goods or offer serfices
Nama : sartika
Class: EFBE E
Name: Muhammad Alif Satrio Nugroho
Class: EFBE A 2022
Nama: nur alfisyah ismail
Name: fajar maulana
Class: EFBE A
-anggaran siklikal-yang mengukur efek dari siklus terhadap anggaran.
-agen penjualan- perantara yang berfungsi sebagai agen penjual bagi prinsipalnya.
-agen ekspor -perantara yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa dan perdagangan barang untuk ekspor
-apresiasi- naiknya mata uang dalam negeri terhadap valuta asing di pasar valuta asing.
-APC-(rata-rata kecendrungan untuk konsumsi)- rasio pengeluaran konsumsi terhadap pendapatan.
Nama: maftuh akmal
Class : EFBE B
export agent
Name : Tirza Glorya Anastasya Padang
Class : EFBE A
Barter, demand, supply, profit, services
Nama: Warda Lestari
Kelas: EFBE B
5 Kata Kosa Kata Ekonomi:
1). Ekonomic = ekonomi
2). Trade = Barter
3). Goods and Services = Barang dan Jasa
4). Producers = Produsen (orang yang membuat barang atau menawarkan jasa).
5). Consumers = Konsumen (Orang yang membayar barang atau layanan)
Name : Abdiaksa aural zadly
Class: EFBA A
addition Vocabulary 5 economy :
– Investment
– Production
– Investors
– Profit and loss
– Inflation
kelas:EFBE A
Aggregate Demand Curve
Aggregate suplly curve
Additional investment .
Beginning capital
Book keeping
Nama : Yogi Sarasa
Kelas : EFBE B
=> 5 Kosa kata dalam Ekonomi:
1. Perfect competition (Persaingan Sempurna)
2. Return to Capital (Pengembalian Modal)
3. Minimum wages (Upah Minimum)
4. Rent Expense (Beban sewa)
5. Net Sales (Penjualan Bersih)
Name : Abdiaksa aural zadly
Class: EFBA A
addition Vocabulary 5 economy :
– Investment
– Production
– Investors
– Profit and loss
– Inflation
1. Interest rates are calculated using the percentage of the amount borrowed
2. Inflation is a rise in the price of goods and services
3. The law of request is that when the price of an item rises, the demand for goods goes down
4. Trade is an exchange of goods or services based on a mutual agreement
5. The market is where buyers and sellers meet for the sale of goods or services
Nama : Muh Saiful
Kelas : EFBE B
1 Goods and services
2 producers
3 consumers
4 profit
5 money
Mhelsy iscavalera
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
Nama : Safitri La Jida
Kelas : EFBE A
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Class: EFBE A (2023)
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Nama : Muhammad Akbar
Kelas : EFBE A
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Nama : Muhammad Akbar
Kelas : EFBE A
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods
Name:kadek Dwi andriani
1.gross profit-laba kotor
2.gross wage-upah kotor
3.Long run-jangka lanjang
4.normal good -barang normal
5.Net sales-penjualan bersih
Nama : EvaYanti
Kelas : EFBE A
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Nama: Sri Rahmadani
Kelas: EFBE A
5 Kata Kosa Kata Ekonomi:
1). Ekonomic = ekonomi
2). Trade = Barter
3). Goods and Services = Barang dan Jasa
4). Producers = Produsen (orang yang membuat barang atau menawarkan jasa).
5). Consumers = Konsumen (Orang yang membayar barang atau layanan)
Nama: Ni Wayan Mira
Kelas: EFBE A
• Purchasing Price- Harga Pembelian
• Price War- Persaingan Harga
• Standard Price- Harga Baku
• Quantity Exchange- Kuantitas Pertukaran
• Rent expense- Beban sewa
Name : Abdiaksa aural zadly
Class: EFBA A
addition Vocabulary 5 economy :
– Investment
– Production
– Investors
– Profit and loss
– Inflation
5. Economic vocabulary
1.)Supply –how many goods there are for people to
2.) Demand –how many people want to buy
3.) Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4.) Producers –people who make goods or offer
5.)Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
Demand –how many people want to buy something
Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
Producers –people who make goods or offer services
Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
Opportunity Cost –something you give up so you can choose another thing
Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Loss –money you lose from selling goods or services
Specialization –when a person or a business has special skills to do part of a task and needs other people to complete the work
Class: EFBE A (2023)
5 economic vocabulary
1.)Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2.) Demand –how many people want to buy something
3.)Producers –people who make goods or offer services
4.)Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
5.)Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Siti Aisyah Sanggo
1. Deflasi: price reduction
2. Asset: valuable assets owned by individuals or business entities
3. Budget: amount of money spent in a certain period
4. Discount: discounts or price reductions given by the seller to the buyer
5. Invest: investing money or capital in a company
Siti Aisyah Sanggo
(1). Deflasi: price reduction
(2). Asset: valuable assets owned by individuals or business entities
(3). Budget: amount of money spent in a certain period
(4). Discount: discounts or price reductions given by the seller to the buyer
(5). Invest: investing money or capital in a company
Name : Nazarudin H. Amirudin
Class : EFBE A
1. Supply
2. Demand
3. Profit
4. Entrepreneur
5. Opportunity Cost
Nama : Muhammad Akbar
Kelas : EFBE A
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Name: Citra Dewi Saputri
Class: EFBE B (2023)
4.Credit card
Name : Nazarudin H. Amirudin
Class : EFBE A
CLASS : EFBE B (2023)
Export: the activity of removing goods from the customs area of indonesia to the customs area of another country
Import: the activity of entering goods into the customs area
Dividend: Dividends are the distribution of company profits to shareholders based on the number of shares owned
Cut loss: Cut loss is a term used to describe a situation when an invester sells shares at a lower prive than the purchase price so then the investor suffers a loss
Inflasi: Inflation is a tendency to increase the prices of goods and services in general and takes place continuosly
Nama : Ratna
Kelas : EFBE B
1. Economics –making, buying and selling goods or services.
2. Barter –trade
3. Producers –people who make goods or offer services
4. Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
5. Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
Kelas:EFBE B
Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
And binis
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Name: Citra Dewi Saputri
Class: EFEB B (2023)
4.Credit card
Name: Citra Dewi Saputri
Class: EFEB B (2023)
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Name: Anisa damayanti
Class: EFBE B (2023)
Price war – Persaingan harga
Aggregate Demand Curve – Kurva Permintaan Agregat
Book keeping – Pembukuan
Financial statement – Laporan keuangan
Preferred Stock – Saham preferen
Name.Citra Dewi Saputri
Class: EFBE B (2023)
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Name:Citra Dewi Saputri
Class: EFBE B (2023)
1. Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2. Demand –how many people want to buy something
3. Producers –people who make goods or offer services
4. Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
5 Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Nama : Arian Ferdiyansyah
Kelas : EFBE B
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Loss –money you lose from selling goods or services
NAMA ; Mey Putri Ananda
1.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2.Demand –how many people want to buy something
3.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4.Producers –people who make goods or offer services
5.Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Kelas:EFBE B
Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
And binis
. Supply – how many goods there are for people to buy
. Demand – how many people want to buy something
. scarcity – limited number, not enough
. Producers – people who make goods or offer services
. Consumers – people who pay for goods or services
Nama : Delon susulo setiawan
Kelas : EFBE F
1.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2.Demand –how many people want to buy something
3.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4.Producers –people who make goods or offer services
5.Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Nama : Zulkifli
Kelas : EFBE B
Jawab :
▪ Economics- making, buying and selling goods or services.
▪ Barter-trade
▪ Producers – people who make goods or offer services.
▪ Scarcity – a limited number, not enough.
▪ Consumers – people who pay for goods or services.
Nama : Arian Ferdiyansyah
Kelas : EFBE B
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer service
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Loss –money you lose from selling goods or services
Nama: Aberliansyah
Kls:EFBE B (2023)
Barter =Tukar-menukar
Kelangkaan= Jumlah yang terbatas
Pajak= pungutan yang wajib
Produsen=orang yang yang menawarkan barang,atau membuat
Konsumen=Orang yang membayar barang dan jasa
NAME: Japutra Bintang Ilham
Class: EFBE B
1. Supply~how many goods there are for people to buy
2. Demand~how many people want to buy something
3. Scarcity~a limited number, not enough
4. Consumers~people who pay for goods or service
5. Profit~extra money you earn from selling goods or service
Nama: Az-Zahra Dwy Asthy Aprilia Asiz
Kelas: EFBE B
a) Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
B) Demand –how many people want to buy something
C) Producers –people who make goods or offer services
D) Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
E) Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
1.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2.Demand –how many people want to buy something
3.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4.Producers –people who make goods or offer services
5.Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
NAMA : Elisa Febritanti
Kelas : EFBE B
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
1.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2. Demand –how many people want to buy something
3.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4.Producers –people who make goods or offer services
Name :Alif putranto
Class : EFBE B
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
1. Economics –making, buying and selling goods or services.
2. Barter –trade
3. Producers –people who make goods or offer services
4. Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
5. Consumers –people who pay for goods or services.
6. Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
7. Demand –how many people want to buy something
8. Producers –people who make goods or offer services
9. Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
10. Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services.
Name: Muh Shayed Maulana Abdullah
Class: EFBE B
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
• Loss –money you lose from selling goods or services
• Specialization –when a person or a business has special skills to do part of a task and needs other people to complete the work
• Interdependence –when people and businesses depend on each another
• Taxes –People pay taxes for public goods and services.
Name : Vical Vestiara Kasih
Class : EFBE B
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough.
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services.
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services.
• Opportunity Cost –something you give up so you can choose another thing.
• Entrepreneur –a person who invents and sells a new product or service, or invents a better way to produce an old one.
Name: Muh Shayed Maulana Abdullah
Class: EFBE B
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
• Loss –money you lose from selling goods or services
• Specialization –when a person or a business has special skills to do part of a task and needs other people to complete the work
• Interdependence –when people and businesses depend on each another
• Taxes –People pay taxes for public goods and services.
Name : Vical Vestiara Kasih(226601164)
Class. : EFBE B
• Loss –money you lose from selling goods or services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Opportunity Cost –something you give up so you can
choose another thing
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or
• Free Enterprise –Business owners make their own decisions.
1. Supply -how many goods there are for people to buy
2. Demand -how many people want to buy something
3. Scarcity -a limited number, not enough
4. Producers -people who make goods or offer services
5. Profit -extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Nama Arjunita putri ananda
Class:EFBE B
5 Kata Kosa Kata Ekonomi:
1). Ekonomic = ekonomi
2). Trade = Barter
3). Goods and Services = Barang dan Jasa
4). Producers = Produsen (orang yang membuat barang atau menawarkan jasa).
5). Consumers = Konsumen (Orang yang membayar barang atau layanan)
1. Economics –making, buying and selling goods or services.
2. Barter –trade
3. Producers –people who make goods or offer services
4. Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
5. Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
6. Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
7. Demand –how many people want to buy something
8. Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
9. Producers –people who make goods or offer services
10. Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services.
1.Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods o
2.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
3.Demand –how many people want to buy something
4.Producers –people who make goods or offer services
5.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
1. Economics –making, buying and selling goods or services.
2. Barter –trade
3. Producers –people who make goods or offer services
4. Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
5. Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
6. Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
7. Demand –how many people want to buy something
8. Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
9. Producers –people who make goods or offer services
10. Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services.
Nama : Siska Januartin
Class. : EFBE B
1. Economics –making, buying and selling goods or services
2. Barter –trade
3. Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
4. Demand –how many people want to buy something
5. Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
6. Producers –people who make goods or offer services
7. Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or
Nama:Olivia Mei Maharani M.r
Class:EFBE B
1.Money capital— Cash or liquid assets being held or obtained for expenditures
2.Networ capital— the form of social capital that makes resources available through interpersonal ties.
3.Price list— price list that displays price details of a product, service, service, and so on
4.Return to capital— a payment, or return, received on an investment that is not considered a taxable event and is not taxed as income
5.Price control— government restrictions on variable prices for goods and services in a market.
Financial statement- are a set of documents that show your company’s financial status at a specific point in time
Capital loss- is a loss incurred when a capital asset is sold for less than the price it was purchased for.
Market failure- is the economic situation defined by an inefficient distribution of goods and services in the free market.
Net sales- is the sum of a company’s gross sales minus its returns, allowances, and discounts.
Purchase price- is the price an investor pays for an investment, and the price becomes the investor’s cost basis for calculating gain or loss when selling the investment.
5 words economic vocabularies.
1. Financial statement- are a set of documents that show your company’s financial status at a specific point in time.
2. Capital loss- is a loss incurred when a capital asset is sold for less than the price it was purchased for.
3. Market failure- is the economic situation defined by an inefficient distribution of goods and services in the free market.
4. Net sales- is the sum of a company’s gross sales minus its returns, allowances, and discounts.
5. Purchase price- is the price an investor pays for an investment, and the price becomes the investor’s cost basis for calculating gain or loss when selling the investment.
Name: Valencia Cassandra Widjaja
Class: EFBE B
5 words economic vocabularies.
1.) Financial statement- are a set of documents that show your company’s financial status at a specific point in time.
2.) Capital loss- is a loss incurred when a capital asset is sold for less than the price it was purchased for.
3.) Market failure- is the economic situation defined by an inefficient distribution of goods and services in the free market.
4.) Net sales- is the sum of a company’s gross sales minus its returns, allowances, and discounts.
5.) Purchase price- is the price an investor pays for an investment, and the price becomes the investor’s cost basis for calculating gain or loss when selling the investment.
Nama : Arian Ferdiyansyah
Kelas : EFBE B
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
1. Ekonomic = Ekonomi
2. Trade = Barter
3. Goods and Services = Barang dan Jasa
4. Producers = Produsen (orang yang membuat barang atau menawarkan jasa)
5. Consumers = Konsumen (orang yang mengkonsumsi barang atau jasa)
Nama : muh iqram saputra
Class : EFBE B
1 Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2 Demand –how many people want to buy something
3 Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4 Producers –people who make goods or offer services
5 Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
Nama : muhammad Rizky Amirul Nontji
Class : EFBE B
1 Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2 Demand –how many people want to buy something
3 Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4 Producers –people who make goods or offer services
5 Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
. Supply – how many goods there are for people to buy
. Demand – how many people want to buy something
. scarcity – limited number, not enough
. Producers – people who make goods or offer services
. Consumers – people who pay for goods or services
. Supply – how many goods there are for people to buy
. Demand – how many people want to buy something
. Scarcity – a limited number, not enough
. Producers – people who make goods or offer services
. Consumers – people who pay for goods or services
Nama : Japutra Bintang Ilham(226601403)
Class : EFBE B
1 Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2 Demand –how many people want to buy something
3 Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4 Producers –people who make goods or offer services
5 Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
Nama:Rosmita Wijaya
Kelas:EFBE F
5 kosa kata:
1).Supply –berapa banyak barang yang tersedia untuk dibeli orang
2).Demand –berapa banyak orang yang ingin membeli sesuatu
3).Scarcity –jumlah terbatas, tidak cukup
4).Producers –orang yang membuat barang atau menawarkan jasa
5).Profit –ekstra uang yang Anda peroleh dari menjual barang atau jasa
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
Name : Renanda Faradillah Iskandar
Class : EFBE F
1) Producers –people who make goods or offer services.
2) Consumers – people who pay for goods or services.
3) Opportunity Cost – something you give up so you can choose another thing.
4) Profit – extra money you earn from selling goods or services.
5) Loss – money you lose from selling goods or services.
Nur Asmira
1. Economics –making, buying and selling goods or services
2. Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
3. Free Enterprise –Business owners make their own decisions.
4. Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
5. Goods –things people buy or sell
• Barter : trade
• Taxes : People pay taxes for public goods and services.
• Loss : money you lose from selling goods or services
• Goods : things people buy or sell
• Consumers : people who pay for goods or services
1.Demand –how many people want to buy something
2.Producers –people who make goods or offer services
3.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4.Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
5.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
1.Demand –how many people want to buy something
2.Producers –people who make goods or offer services
3.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4.Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
5.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
Muhammad Fadil
Market = Pasar
Sell = Jual
Seller = Penjual
Price list = Daftar Harga
Balance = Saldo sisa
Kelas: EFBE F
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
Name : Gita Sri Dewi
class : EFBE F
Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
Name : Cindy Vitandari
Class : EFBE F
Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
NAMA : Rangga Rahman
* supply- hom many goods there are for people to buy
*Scarcity- a limited number,not enough
*Consumers- people who pay foor gods or cerfice
*Demand – how many people want to buy something
*Producers – people who make goods or offer serfices
Nama:Ade jefri irawan
Kls : EFBE F
1.Economics – making,buying and selling goods or
2.Barter – trade
3.Goods – things people buy or sell
4.scarcity – a limited number ,not enough
5.producers – people who make goods or offer services
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
NAMA :muh.irham aldamar
1.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2.Demand –how many people want to buy something
3.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4.Producers –people who make goods or offer services
5.Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
supply- hom many goods there are for people to buy
*Scarcity- a limited number,not enough
*Consumers- people who pay foor gods or cerfice
*Demand – how many people want to buy something
*Producers – people who make goods or offer serfices
Aggregate Demand Curve
Aggregate suplly curve
Additional investment .
Beginning capital
Book keeping
Nama : salman alfarizi umar
Kelas: EFBE F
1.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2.Demand –how many people want to buy something
3.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4.Producers –people who make goods or offer services
5.Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
1. Supply : how many goods there are for people to buy.
2. Demand : how many people want to buy something.
3. Producers : people who make goods or offer services.
4. Consumers : people who pay for goods or services.
5. Profit : extra money earn from selling goods or services.
Name : Tri deliana permata sari
Class : Efbe F
Accounts (akun)
budget (anggaran)
capital (modal)
cash (uang tunai)
competition (kompetisi)
consumer (konsumen)
Name : Iqra Muh Al Zhodiq
Class : EFBE F
1.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
2.Demand –how many people want to buy something
3.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
4.Producers –people who make goods or offer services
5.Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
Name : Iqra Muh Al Zhodiq
Class : EFBE F
1). Ekonomic = ekonomi
2). Trade = Barter
3). Goods and Services = Barang dan Jasa
4). Producers = Produsen (orang yang membuat barang atau menawarkan jasa).
5). Consumers = Konsumen (Orang yang membayar barang atau layanan)
name : Sidratul Muntaha
class : Efbe A
•Network Capital
• National Debet
• Book keeping
• Additional Investment
• National Income
Kelas :EFBE F
• Supply = how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand = how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity = a limited number, not enough
• Producers = people who make goods or offer services
• Barter = trade
Nama: putri aprilyanti
Kelas:. EFBE F
1.Opportunity Cost –something you give up so you can choose another thing.
2.Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy.
3.Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services.
4.Consumers –people who pay for goods or services.
5.Scarcity –a limited number, not enough.
Name : Nariky Meinard (226601455)
Class : EFBE F
Airiza Faradina
1. Money – Uang
2. Seller – Penjual
3. Agent – Agen
4. Expenditure – Pengeluaran
5. Labor – Tenaga kerja
Name: sitti syukriah
Class : FEBE F
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Free Enterprise –Business owners make their own decisions.
Digital marketing
Market share
Market Analysis
Name : Riawan Radja Fahriyal
Class : Efbe F
1. Economics – making, buying and selling goods or services.
2. Barter – trade
3. Producers – people who make goods or offer services
4. Scarcity – a limited number , not enough
5. Consumers – people who pay for goods or services
Name : Riawan Radja Fahriyal
Class : Efbe F
1. Economics – making, buying and selling goods
2. Barter – trade
3. Producers – people who make goods or offer services
4. Scarcity – a limited number , not enough
5. Consumers – people who pay for goods
1. Economics – making, buying and selling goods or services.
2. Barter – trade
3. Producers – people who make goods or offer services
4. Scarcity – a limited number , not enough
5. Consumers – people who pay for goods or services
Name: Muh Irham Aldamar
Class: EFBE F
5 words that should be added as as economic: Agent, analysis, balance, business, cost.
Name: Muh Irham Aldamar
Class: EFBE F
5 words that should be added as as economic: Agent, analysis, balance, business, cost.
1. Ekonomic = Ekonomi
2. Trade = Barter
3. Goods and Services = Barang dan Jasa
4. Producers = Produsen (orang yang membuat barang atau menawarkan jasa)
5. Consumers = Konsumen (orang yang mengkonsumsi barang atau jasa)
NIM : 1226601520
Economic Vocabulary :
1. Profit – a profit derived from a business and at that time will also be channeled or reinvested to encourage business growth.
2. Taxes – mandatory contributions from people or bodies to the state, which are coercive in accordance with the law without any direct imbalance.
3. Entrepreneur – a person who invents and sells a new product or service, or invents a
better way to produce an old one.
4. Loss – money you lose from selling goods or services
5. Economics –making, buying and selling goods or services
Name: sakti saputra alvian
Class : EFBE M
Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Free Enterprise –Business owners make their own decisions.
. Suplay – how many goods there are for people to buy? . Demand – How many people want to buy something? .producers – people who make goods or offer services. .consumers – people who pay for goods or services. .free Enterprise – Business owners make their own decisions.
Name : abdiaksa aural zadly
Class: EFBE A
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
Name : abdiaksa aural zadly
Class: EFBE A
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
Name : Zhevanya Heryzael Yehuda.S
Class : EFBE A
Answers :
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Free Enterprise –Business owners make their own decisions.
Name : novitasari
Class : Efbe M
• Supply –how many goods there are for people to buy
• Demand –how many people want to buy something
• Scarcity –a limited number, not enough
• Producers –people who make goods or offer services
• Consumers –people who pay for goods or services
• Opportunity Cost –something you give up so you can choose another thing
• Profit –extra money you earn from selling goods or services